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Sliced dried shallot 200g

Energy 13kcal 0,65%
Diet information : Vegetarian Vegan
Net weight : 200g
Fat 0g 0%
Saturated fatty acids 0g 0%
Storage : Store in a dry and cool place, out of direct sunlight.
Carbohydrates 0g 0%
Best use before : until the date indicated on the packaging.
Sugars 0g 0%
Proteins 0g 0%
Importer to the EU : TRALYCO, SK, spol. s r.o., Stará Vajnorská 17A/12495, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
Salt 0g 0%
Country of origin : Vietnam
Nutritional values : / 100g

Sliced dried shallot 200g

0 / 5 (0 reviews)
Sliced dried shallots are a practical alternative to fresh shallots because they keep longer and are easy to use. It is popular in Vietnamese and Thai cuisine for use in Banh cuon, Bun Bo Nam Bo...
Manufacturer:THANH THUY
Total sold: 251 pcs
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In Stock (Balenie: 1 kus): 37
Usually ships in: In stock
3,00 € Packaging: 1 piece: 3,00 €

Net weight: 200g

Ingredients: Onion 100%

Nutritional values / 100g of product: Energy 13 cal, fat 0g, of which saturated fatty acids 0g, carbohydrates 0g of which sugars 0g, protein 0g, sodium 0g.
Best before: see on the label. Keep away from direct sunlight.

Country of origin: Vietnam

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